Saturday, September 22, 2007


Welcome to the new Men's Prayer Group blog. We, being the Men's Prayer Breakfast group, have created this blog as a place for men to come and share whatever is on their mind and to interact with each other in a fast paced world. Whether it be to ask for prayer, post concerns regarding the church in general, or shout to the world that something miraculous has happened, we welcome any and all Christian related posts to this site. Men that blog here need not feel compelled to leave their real name if not comfortable in doing so as any message can be left in an anonymous manner or with a completely fabricated name.


Reed said...

Great job on getting the blog up. Also, great job on the new name. Look forward to many posts. First prayer would be that this will be an avenue for us to reach people and develope some communication lines for us all.
God bless your efforts...

Brad said...

Good morning!. James thanks for setting up the blog. I am looking forward to everyones comments.
Let me just saw a think you to all of the men who come o the prayer breakfast. I really appreciate your support. That time has become very meaningful to me. Lets keep supporting each other. I invited Jason Lasiter to come next week. If anyone knows him encourage him to come.
Continue to pray.

Brad said...

I was reading in Psalms and found this verse of encouragement.

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Go take on the day!

Reed said...

Good words this morning Brad. I would like to add 2 Peter 1:3-8 as a prayer for us today. Guys be encouraged in HIS strength. We are not facing the day alone.

Also, send this url to all the guys in your address book. We need to spread the word and THE WORD.

God Bless, REED

Reed said...

Wanted to send out a thanks and a praise this morning. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for healing for my sister. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for hearing your prayers. Over the last 6 months, I have seen a remarkable change in her. She has had some setbacks, but she is really being changed. Yesterday she called to let me know that she had gotten a job. It was a job she had interviewed for and was very excited about, but got passed over. At first she was very discouraged, but shared with me that as she prayed, "God why do doors keep closing?" She said that she realized that God opens and closes doors for our benefit, we just have to trust. As soon as she made that decision in her heart, the phone rang the next morning (Monday) and it was for the position she had been passed over for. She was thrilled and thankful. This gives her the chance to be independent again. She still needs our prayers. A heartfelt thanks from me for all your prayers and a praise to The Father for His faithfulness.
Have a blessed day.

Kenny said...

Praise! I spoke with my neighbor yesterday who has been on the verge of divorce. He and his wife are getting back together. They are moving to North Carolina and looking forward to a fresh start away from the negative influences that have affected them...thanks for your prayers!...kk

Jeb said...

Kenny that's great news about your neighbors. Not a moment goes by that I'm not Awe-struck by how awesome God is. Please pray for a safe trip for my family as they leave for Lufkin this afternoon. Also for anyone who can, Carey Jarrett is moving this Saturday to the new apt.'s across from the old sheriff's dept. We are meeting at his house on Highland Dr. (off FM 1388) at 8:00am.
Your fellow Prayer Warrior,

Reed said...

Thanks for sharing Kenny. It is great to be able to really see and share God's faithfulness. Hope we have a big turnout to help our brother Cary on Saturday. Also,remind a friend about prayer breakfast Sunday.

rdg said...

thanks kenny for the email. wow reed you have kept mens prayer group going for a while. it had to be around 10 years ago when we would meet at mike's house during the week. i am not sure blog was even a word then. thanks for keeping it going and to the other men that help. tom nelson said men are not the best at retreats, but he didn't mention "the blog"

Mark said...

This blog is a great idea! Reed, that is a real praise about your sister.

the rabbi said...

Good stuff here guys. Keep it coming!

Jeb said...

Hey guys, I was just informed that a co-workers husband died suddenly yesterday. Please pray for peace and guidance for the Rodriguez family.

Go Cowboys said...

Glad to see that this has gotten off to such a great start. I'll certainly be praying for the Rodriguez family. Life's short boy's. Need to learn to enjoy everyday.

Brad said...

Man, I'm glad its Friday! Its has been an intense week. Please pray for a young man named Jer. He has been really struggling with a drug addiction. He had a bad week last week(puts my week in perspective), failing again. I got to share with him that God is the only way out and he agrees with his mouth, he just doesn't believe it yet.
Please continue to pray for me in my job search. I am having a difficult time just stepping out and trusting God. I know he promises he has great plans for us, but its hard for me to let go and get out of my comfort zone.

Jeb said...

I agree...TGIF!!
Brad if you wait too long to take that step of faith God will sometimes give you a little push...speaking from experience.

Go Cowboys said...

Evening boy's. We'll certainly be praying for that young man. Haven't talked to my bro. here lately. Kind've afraid to. Just kind've keep him in the back of your mind if you will. You know, I probably came close a couple of times to being a drunk myself. Luckily everytime I was able to come to my senses before it got that far. So I have to watch out and be careful because the want a be lion is hiding somewhere ready to pounce. (on all of us!!)Brad you know it's easier said than done to trust. We've all been there. Right now it's your turn, next time it may be Reed's or Jeb's or Kenny's. And it's not just about trust, in fact it may be more about learning patience. And I think that you really know in the back of your mind that God is going to come through, just not in your time. And that's a good thing because when we do it, we screw it up. When God does it, it's always perfect. And we can always see when it happens just how and why God did it the way He does. We can always see why his way was much better than ours.

Reed said...

Good words James and we will keep you and Kelly in our prayers. Please say a prayer for Miki. She was setting up for an art festival in Waco and left her car just for a moment. She wasn't more than 40 feet away and only for a minute and someone took her briefcase with her pocketbook, credit card machine, petty cash, digital camera, business cards, portfolio, credit cards, drivers license etc. We have all that taken care of, but she is discouraged and disappointed. I came down to Waco last nite to be with her and help out. So tomorrow at prayer breakfast, remember her and also pray for the person or people who did this. Hopefully will see you all next week.

Jeb said...

Hey Reed, I just wanted to check in to see how the weekend turned out. I know it got off to a bad start but I've been praying that both Miki and you would be blessed through it.

Brad said...

Lets take time to pray for lisa and doug today. Lisa goes in for more surgery, to remove lymph nodes in her right arm due to the spread of the cancer.

Sunday school class was a great lesson about the strength and effectiveness of serious prayer. Not to be so casual about our prayer time, praying out wish list, but being intentional in our prayers, praying for the message of the church to penetrate our community. I know this has been an area I have struggled in. I start out strong, the 'fall asleep' like to apostles.

Brad said...

I talked with Tim this morning. Lisa did very well with her surgery on Tuesday. They removed a couple additional lymph nodes and placed the port for chemotherapy. She went home in the afternoon. That is a great praise!

I have an interview at Parkland Hospital this afternoon for a new position they are starting to make rounds on patients in the hospital. This would require a different set of job skills for me, and would me a lot of new things to learn. I am keeping an open mind about the possibilities. Please continue to pray for wisdom for me.

Jeb said...

Definitely a great praise about Lisa.

I understand that your interview is at 1:30 today. I suggest that we all take a moment at that time to say a prayer for Brad.

Reed said...

Brad, hope your interview went well, if I understood correctly. We certainly will offer our praises and continued prayers for Doug and Lisa. I would encourage you and everyone else to look at Oswald Chambers website and read todays entry (Oct 3) It is relevant to the Sunday school lesson you spoke about and Benji's message on Mark 9.
Thanks for all your prayers for Miki.

Brad said...

Thank you all for your prayers. My interview went well. They took me around the hospital units and I got meet and talk to some of the staff. Its so good to have a family of support around you!

Go Cowboys said...

Hang in there Brad. God will show you what to do. Always does.... if we are receptive. (which I'm usually not) Remember to "Seek Ye First"

Go Cowboys said...

afternoon boy's. Hope all of you have a good week. Let's spread the word about this site this week. Need to also get it into the church bulletin. Let's be sure to pray for Brad as he goes to his second interview at Parkland on Friday. Just pray that God gives him wisdom to descern whether the job is for him or not. Also keep my brother in your prayers as he is in the Virgin Islands working. From what he say's it can be a dangerous place. There is alot of drugs down there and alot of violence. There was even a
stabbing at his work sight this week. He is feeling better physically he said as he has gotten on some high blood pressure medicine that seems to be helping how he feels. He's also working alot which is a good thing b/c it keeps him busy. Lastly ask that you pray for me as next Sunday is my normal Sunday to preach at my friends church. I've been a little lax and apathetic lately about prayer and scripture reading and I'm having a hard getting up for this coming Sunday. I've really not had this problem before so I just need a little prayer to fight this lacadazical attitude. I'm sure Satan is behind it.

Brad said...

Good morning!
I talked with Shannon Martin on Friday. She was on her way to her first chemotherapy session and pretty anxious about what to expect. Lets remember to keep her in our prayers.
I will be rescheduling my interview with Parkland. I couldn't get time off at the clinic on Friday.

James, I will hold you up in prayer this week. I am reading in Psalms now, this is such a great book of encouragement!


Reed said...

Guys, keep up the posting. It is good to be reminded of all the prayer needs that sometimes get by us. We'll keep praying for Brad's job situation, James' brother and sermon prep, Shannon, Lisa and Doug and all the others. I would like to add, we need to pray for Gary & Shelley Allen, for the timely completion of the Servants Bookstore. This undertaking will be such a blessing to our community, so hold them up. Pray for safe travel for Miki and I as we head off to the Grand Canyon. Look forward to sharing photos of God's wonders when we return.

Shelley said...

Reed, I'll be praying for you and Miki (and I'll be praying for the donkey you'll be riding!)
Thank you for remembering us and our ministry. I will also be praying for Doug, that he will be able to stay focused on Christ.
Our blessings and praises are too many to list, but here are a few: for my son John and his new wife, Shannon; for Ben and David liking their new school (Scurry Rosser ISD); for Elizabeth who is a handful but more precious than gold; and for all of the work I have right now, which is providing for us and for the building of the new store.

Go Cowboys said...

evening boys. need to put a peayer request in for my brother. He called earlier today and of course he was drunk and was going to fly home from the Virgin Islands and made threats to harm his girlfriend, and then called back and threatened me and another brother of mine. And I don't know what else to do but turn it over to God and let him have it completly. I'm not even going to answer the phone anymore but I'm worried sick about him. It's almost gotten to the point that I almost wish that he'd do something to get himself locked up. Not harm anyone but just something that will put him away and get him some help. Anyway just pray if you will.

Brad said...

James, I will continue to pray daily for your brother and for strength for you in this situation.
I see so much emptiness and dispair in people today, and I still struggle with sharing my great GOD!
Keep praying for our community as well. I believe God can do great things here.


Brad said...

OK guy! Who has had a great week?
Reed are you back from the canyon? I remember visiting the canyon as a humbling experience, seeing Gods handy work and majesty!

Does anyone know what the election coming up here in Kaufman is about? I see they have the early voting banner up, but don't have a clue about what is on the ballet.

Gos is good, ALL the time!


Reed said...

We have returned from our trip. I will bring pictures to prayer breakfast this Sunday. I'll be there this time, I have my truck back. Words can not express God's Majesty. That He is mindful of us at all is unfathomable. Hope all are doing well, look forward to catching up Sunday.

Gary said...

We joined a small group; the Clarks are in our group, which is good. Pray that I'll think before I talk; I don't want to say something stupid.
Have the Cowboys stopped scoring yet?
Our cat Killer found a snake in the house; the snake was too long to measure (about 18").
How to sign off.....? Catch you on the flip flop!

Unknown said...

I want to thank all you guys for praying for me thru this job search experience. I have accepted an offer to work with CareNow a clinic in Garland. I will be wrapping things up here at the the clinic in Kaufman with my last day being 11/23 officially.
Now I have to start all the new employer orientation process.
Please pray for me this next 2 weeks, to be a responsible employee at my current position. It is easy to blow things off, knowing I will be gone!

Gary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Go Cowboys said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!